
Work experience

Research Interests

Selected Honors and Awards


[1] Chen, L., Yang, J., Zheng, X. (2024). Modelling the impact of building energy consumption on urban thermal environment: The bias of the inventory approach, Urban Climate, 53, 101802.

[2] Chen, L., Sun, Y., Zhang, N., Yang, J., & Wang, D. (2024). Quantifying the benefits of BIPV windows in urban environment under climate change: A comparison of three Chinese cities. Renewable Energy, 119740.

[3] Zheng, X., Chen, L., & Yang, J. (2023). Simulation framework for early design guidance of urban streets to improve outdoor thermal comfort and building energy efficiency in summer. Building and Environment, 228, 109815.

[4] Chen, L., Yang, J., & Li, P. (2022). Modelling the effect of BIPV window in the built environment: Uncertainty and sensitivity. Building and Environment, 208, 108605.

[5] Chen, L., Zheng, X., Yang, J., & Yoon, J. H. (2021). Impact of BIPV windows on building energy consumption in street canyons: Model development and validation. Energy and Buildings, 249, 111207.

[6] Wang, Y., Chen, L., Song, Z., Huang, Z., Ge, E., Lin, L., & Luo, M. (2019). Human-perceived temperature changes over South China: Long-term trends and urbanization effects. Atmospheric Research, 215, 116-127.

[7] Chen, L., Chen, X., Cheng, L., Zhou, P., & Liu, Z. (2019). Compound hot droughts over China: Identification, risk patterns and variations. Atmospheric Research, 227, 210-219.

[8] Song, Z., Chen, L., Wang, Y., Liu, X., Lin, L., & Luo, M. (2019). Effects of urbanization on the decrease in sunshine duration over eastern China. Urban Climate, 28, 100471.

Conference Presentation

[1] 2nd International Bay Area Urban Agglomeration Green Development Conference (IBACEC) and the 2024 Academic Annual Meeting of Urban Agglomeration Green Development Committee of Chinese Society for Urban Studies (CSUS), Oral, Macau, Aug 2024.

[2] Asian University Alliance (AUA) Seminar – Smart and low carbon city, Oral, Hong Kong, Jun 2024.

[3] 11th International Conference on Urban Climate (ICUC), The International Association for Urban Climate (IAUC), Oral, Sydney (Australia), Aug 2023.

[4] 20th Annual Meeting, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS). Oral, Singapore, Jul 2023.

[5] 9th National Urban Meteorological Forum. Chinese Meteorological Society. Oral, Xiong An (China), May 2023. Received Best Paper Award.

[6] 2022 AGU Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union (AGU). Poster, Chicago (US), Dec 2022.

[7] 19th Annual Meeting, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS). Poster, Online, Aug 2022.

[8] 8th National Urban Meteorological Forum, Chinese Meteorological Society. Oral, Online, Oct 2021.


[1] Toward 2060 Carbon Neutrality: Life-cycle Planning and Design of Photovoltaic Integrated Green Roof (PVIGR) Systems for Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area, Hong Kong Research Grant Committee, Collaborative Research Fund, C6003-22Y, 2023 – 2026, Key member.

[2] Interaction mechanisms between building energy consumption and urban climate, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2021 – 2023, Key member.

Service and Professional Memberships

[1] Reviewer of Sustainable Cities and Society, Building and Environment, Energy and Buildings, Urban Climate, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology​.

[2] Member of American Geophysical Union (AGU), since 2022.

[3] Member of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS), since 2022.

[4] Member of International Association for Urban Climate (IAUC), since 2023.


Computer languages: Matlab, Fortran, Python.

Climate modelling tools: Urban canopy model coupled with building energy model, Weather Research and Forecasting model.

Building energy simulation tools: EnergyPlus, OpenStudio.

Others: ArcGIS, Microsoft Office, Sketchup, Adobe Illustrator.

Languages Chinese (Mandarin: native, Hakka: native, Cantonese: fluent)

English: working proficiency