
ICUC Conference


I had the opportunity to attend the 11th International Conference on Urban Climate (ICUC) in Sydney and present my research. It was an incredibly exciting and fulfilling experience.

Meeting my academic idols during the conference was truly inspiring and motivating. Interacting with them and learning about their research perspectives and experiences was invaluable.

Moreover, meeting face-to-face with old friends from ResearchGate at the ICUC conference was wonderful. We shared our research progress and offered support and encouragement to each other.

I am grateful to the ICUC conference for providing me with this valuable opportunity!

Hooding day


HKUST Congregation 2023 - Hooding Ceremony of PhD Graduates on Nov 17, 2023

Officially be hooded as PhD o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ!

A photo with my supervisor - Prof. Jiachuan Yang

A photo with all my groupmates

A photo with my groupmate - Dr. Chen Xuan